
I had been hoping that we would make it to our departure date without having any more snow to deal with.  Apparently somebody had other plans, so the weekend was spent digging and blowing way too much snow out of the back yard, driveway, sidewalk and front walk.  Then we were lucky enough to figure out that there was  a problem with the traction control system on our van which kicked in every 3 feet and got us stuck.  Dr. Ardell was kind enough to tow us back home until I could get a tow truck to Honda monday morning.  That chewed up a whole bunch of time on the weekend that was supposed to be used for packing all the donated material into the duffle bags for the trip.

We ended up packing the bags late Sunday night and are happy to report that all school supplies, touques, soccer balls etc fit nicely in the bags and were all spaced out across them so that each one is safely under the 50 pound limit.  Thanks to the Dunphys for lending us their bathroom scale for the weighing.  I don't believe in having a bathroom scale normally.  Its just one of those things that doesn't bring joy to life, like taxes.

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