Preparations Continue

Preparations continue for our departure in early December.  We have all received all our necessary shots to avoid all the wonderful diseases that are available in Bolivia.  Melody and I were lucky enough to require an additional needle for measles, mumps and rubella.  We weren't required due to the chance of getting them in Bolivia, but out of fear that we may bring it back with us and infect those back home who haven't gotten immunized back in Canada.

As for items to be distributed, the Superannuated Teachers once again have provided us with a large amount of school supplies to be delivered to the orphanages.  We have also received a large donation of soccer shirts and will be receiving a donation of soccer balls later this week.  We guarantee that 90% of the pictures we take with children playing soccer will be wearing recognizable soccer shirts from Saskatchewan.

As for monetary donations, the funds are going through International Teams and will then be provided to La Jordana in Santa Cruz.  When we arrive, we will be going with Ken from La Jordana to the market to spend the funds on rubbermaid containers, food stuffs and baby supplies to be delivered to families in need.  Any additional funds will be used to purchase some toys for Christmas gifts and to help pay for the food needed for the Feed the 5000 event we will be assisting with.

Next steps for preparation are to complete the packing of our 10 military duffle bags full of the donations.  This sounds like an easy thing to do until you have to get every one of them to 49.5 pounds to avoid any extra charges on the airlines.  We have decided to pack only 2 or if possible 1 bag with our personal items and plan to take only minimal amounts of clothing in order to take as many donation items as possible.

As we get closer to departure date, I will try to update more frequently and once again when we are away,  We will try to blog as often as possible.

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