
I have been following because its the blog of our friend in Bolivia, but also to get a better understanding of what we are going into.  Ken wrote about a fight between two of the boys in the house the other day, and one part really stuck with me.  Its about freedom or perceived freedom.  Here is a little bit:

"Freedom is something that often escapes us. Again, that’s even more true for people coming off the streets. Life on the streets masquerades itself as one to tell you what to as you as you want...

The reality is, it’s exactly the opposite of freedom. It’s all about bondage and destruction. Years afterwards, many of the guys here are still trying to come to terms with the consequences of their lives on the streets. To be at peace. To experience freedom."

I think this little bit applies to anybody who either decides to or ends up living on the streets or outside of a good family circle.  That's true about people in Bolivia or anywhere else.

Now go hug your mom and dad.

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