Just to Clarify

Ok, I had a couple of people ask who Stephen Hawking is from the last post.  (Actually just one), and I'm not telling who (unless you read the comments on the last post).  Anyways, Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous theoretical physicists of our time. He wrote the hugely popular book "A Brief History of Time", which makes very high level physics understandable to normal folks like us.  He has specialized in black holes and how their gravity affects light for the last few years.  He also suffers from ALS which means he hasn't been able to move his body for many years and is confined to a wheelchair.  He talks through a special computer attached to his wheelchair that tracks his eye movements on a screen of letters and words to get what he wants to say.   When he is done, it speaks in a very robotic 1980 sci-fi voice.  Here is what he looks like.

Or, you could just google him.

p.s.  There is another post coming tonight, but the events of today aren't quite over yet.  You will understand when the next post comes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

okay. so did you HAVE to bring attention to the fact that I'm unlearned??

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