Giant Popcorn and Giant Fruit Loops

We were back at El Jordan this morning by 9:00 to start repackaging the popcorn and fruit loop like snacks into smaller bags to be handed out with the the meals that we will be handing out on the streets.  When we started, we gave them a taste and the popcorn tastes like sugar crisp but with a little less sugar, and the fruit loop looking ones taste like....well, like fruit loops with a bunch more sugar added to them.  This is going to be a pretty short and boring blog post, because the ENTIRE DAY was spent repackaging the giant bags into smaller ones.  I stopped counting when we passed 3000 bags.  The end result of the day's work was a very sticky floor and a large mess to clean up.  Jordan's feet basically had sugar socks on them by the end since she decided to go barefoot today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your blog.....hearing about your daily adventures is wonderful.
Please post more pictures.
What is lazy Melody doing? The spa everyday I am guessing?

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