Slow Day

Today was a slow paced day for the most part.  The morning was spent with the kids doing their homework and Lukas doing a math test that his teacher sent with him.  Later in the morning, we went to the market to buy some more fruit.  This was our first time to the market which is basically comprised of a whole bunch of little tiny kiosks selling everything from chickens to cell phones.  We figured we should do it today even though it was still Carnival because we have meetings tomorrow with the translator to go over the class material.  Following that meeting, I will be heading out to look for some new glasses.

Apparently I wasn't clear enough last night in my post.  Yes I lost my glasses in the giant water balloon fight.  They were knocked from my face by a direct hit which caused them to fly off my head, out the back of the truck and under the car behind us in the muddy street, never to be seen again.  No, I did not bring a spare pair.  We did however bring our prescriptions down just for a situation like this. So for those of you wondering, this what I looked light about 10 seconds after losing my glasses yesterday.   Its been one long squint session since then.

Anyways, the market is a great place to buy fruit because it is trucked in very frequently, and there are lots of competing stands there so the prices are better than the store.  I would say the same thing about the meat stands as far as the price goes, but I wouldn't buy anything from them unless you like to take your chances since everything is unrefrigerated and there are a few flies buzzing around.

The market is always packed, and its the kind of place where you want to hang on to your purse and wallet rather tightly since you are always rubbing or bumping into people as you walk.  We didn't have any problems, but Ken advised us not to take our good camera in for safety reasons.

Following the market, we went to Kens for lunch which was cooked by Sandro, who made the most wonderful chicken dish in the oven.  It was definitely the best food we have had since we arrived.

Kens boys went out water ballooning again, but we decided it was best if we rode inside the truck this time for obvious reasons, so we toured a little bit more of the different areas of the city.  Day 3 of the water balloon fight gets a little more hairy as you can see by the picture below. This block of people, setup a roadblock on their street so any vehicle coming in would be cornered and unable to get away without taking a few good shots from their balloons.

Nobody cared today whether they got hit or not, since it rained from the time we got up until the time we got home anyways.

The real work starts tomorrow now that Carnival is over, so we are hitting the hay early tonight.

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