
Sorry I didn't post last night, but the kids were a little unruly and we were out a little later than usual down at the plaza.  Its apparently some sort of bicentennial this week.  We haven't been able to get the exact description of what as of yet, but things are hopping downtown.  We had gone done last night to try to track down a guy we had seen the other night who was selling beautiful cloth maps of South America that neither one of us said "hey I want that" until we got back home.  Anyways, we went down again last night and should have known something was up by the traffic all the way down there, but didn't until we saw all the people in the plaza and heard the music.  There was a stage setup with people singing and playing traditional music and vendors selling everything from coffee to little helicopter toys for kids.

We never did find the guy selling the map, but we did get to hear some traditional music and stayed out too late for the kids to be good at bed time as we learned when we got home.  Anyways, today's post is in honor of the internet speed down here.  Its been bugging me for a while for a few reasons:
1.  The olympics are on, and I haven't seen a single event and haven't found anywhere that is broadcasting any of it.  There are two ESPN channels here which show soccer all the time even though they show the olympic rings int he corner of the screen.  The internet is too slow for video so its no go on the Olympics.
2.  All the software I brought with me to work on computers is of course English.  After I install them on the computers, I have to download the spanish language files, or download the spanish version so that people here can use them.  It took over an hour and a half to download the spanish language files for Avast antivirus.  That is something that is accomplished in about 2 minutes at home.
3. Have you noticed that the blog is a little light on pictures?  Thats cause I can't wait all night for them to upload when I write a post.  So, if you haven't found them already, I let my computer upload my pictures overnight to my picasa web album site.  It is located here: http://picasaweb.google.com/whoopiis/BoliviaPics
If you want to see more pictures, they are all located there.  I haven't uploaded any of Lukas' pictures because I just don't have the internet time to do so.
4.  The internet speed is too slow for Lukas to do some of the homework he was supposed to do.  Mrs. Soles, if you are reading this, Lukas is really torn up about it. :)

Given the internet speed here, I have had to up my reading time substantially.  I brought 3 books down with me thinking it would be enough to pass the entire time.  I brought Slaughter House Five, Brave New World and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance with me.  I had never read Slaughter House Five and had not read the other two since high school.  As of today, those are done, and I am now reading Lukas' copy of the Hobbit until I can find a source of more English books to read. 

P.S.  One last thing.  Brenda if you are reading this, congratulations on getting married.

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