
We are approaching 36 hours to departure time, and frantic last minute details are being taken care of.  Melody baked 60 cookies for Jordan and Logan to take to their classes tomorrow for their last day of school before we leave, and all the other small details are pretty much cleared up.  Logistically, we have figured out how to get everyone and all the luggage to the airport and we are hoping that it will be checked straight through to Bolivia without having to pick them up in the airport like we had to last time.

Grand total on the luggage is 10 bags of 49.9999 pounds each.  8 bags are stuffed full of donations like soccer balls, school supplies, some clothing, tooth brushes etc and the other two are our essential personal items.

Jordan had a little bit of a stresser this evening over leaving her friends for a prolonged period of time and I am sure a little bit of nervousness since she doesn't remember too much from the first trip.  I managed to talk her down by reminding her that she will get to help many people and see lots of things she has never seen before.  I also reminded her that there are soccer nets everywhere down there and with that she felt much better.

This will probably be the last post before we leave, so wish us luck.


Ken if you are reading this, you had better be at the airport to pick us up on Friday morning with a big truck and some strong boys or we will have words!!!

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