Many hands make light work.

I (Melody) will write our blog post today because we have some good news and some bad news.  I will give the bad news first.  Ron has been sick for the past day and half, so he has been out of commission. He spent most of yesterday in bed and is taking the antibiotics that our doctor gave us.  If that is unsuccessful Heidi will take him to a good doctor (as apposed to a bad doctor?).

With Ron sick and staying home, the boys opted to stay home too. Yesterday was El Jordan's closing program.  This is where they recognize all of their students for their hard work.  Everybody gets a gift, but the size and quality of the gift depends on a few things: regular on time attendance, attitude, work ethic and number of Bible memory verses.  So there were many different types of gifts.  This is where we used some of the small food baskets that Ron and I had made up earlier, the gifts for women that I brought down and some of the soccer balls.  We took lots of pictures but I will upload them later, as Heidi still has my camera.

 So, Jordan and I headed to El Jordan at 1:30 yesterday to do the work of 5 people.  We are women, hear us roar.  We were in charge of snack.  We cut up 6 large loaves of chocolate chip bread for the kids and 21 large loaves of fruit cake type bread for the adults.  When it was all cut up and put on trays with napkins we waited for the program to finish.  As I am only understanding about half of every conversation, there was a mad rush to pour all of the pop to serve with the cake.  Luckily, I had help from Marco (one of our Bolivian friends).  With Marco and I pouring pop and Jordan handing us the empty cups we were a pop pouring machine.  The people and their families were to pick up their snack and head home, but some always linger, its Bolivia after all.  We actually fed about 200 people, not bad for an afternoon of work.  When everyone had their snack, we cleaned everything up and headed for home.  I do want to mention that Jordan received a formal thank you for being such a happy, eager volunteer.  They said that some of the other volunteers could learn something from her.  It was hot and muggy out and not once did she complain about what she was asked to do.  And, if she was not busy, she would go ask Heidi if there was something she could do.  I was so proud of her.  She is such a little trouper.

As for today, it has been fairly quiet so far.  It rained all night so it is VERY humid.  We were supposed to go pick up big bags of popcorn but it was raining so that was postponed.  This afternoon we are going to Ken's boys house for lunch an then to the market.  If Ron is feeling better he is going to do a cooking class with the boys.  Ron will without a doubt need a translator.

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