Lizards & Spiders & Food

As promised, we went to the market and got all the ingredients for a giant batch of stew for the potluck tonight including 3kg of meat.  While Melody and I made the stew, the boys showed Jordan how to make strawberry juice to drink.  Surprisingly, it only takes 10 strawberries blended with ice, water and sugar to make a full jug of juice that tasted very nice.

The potluck was scheduled to start at 7:30, so Ken dropped us off at our place around 5 to get freshened up and changed, then picked us up at 6:45 so we could finish cooking the potatoes, carrots and pasta for the stew.  By the time Ken came back from showering at his place, to pick up all of us, it was 8:00.  Then we drove through heavy traffic and arrived at the potluck location at 8:30.   Ken was not worried about the time at all however and was apparently right because less than half the people were there and it wasn't until 9:00 that everybody showed up and started to play music.  We finally ate around 10:00.  Time is completely irrelevant here and nobody means the time that they say something will start.  Normally this would drive me crazy, but I learned my lesson back in 2010 when we were here he first time.

About half way through supper, a little girl in a dress was walking between tables and came towards our table.  She was walking somewhat oddly and once she turned the corner, we saw why.  She was walking behind a rather large spider.  Each time she took a step, the spider sort of skipped a bit forward.  The girl was quite pleased with her little game.  Melody on the other hand was not so amused by the spider being driven towards our table.  Luckily for Melody, the girl lost interest and the spider skipped off into some musical equipment.

The potluck finished up around 11:30 and we headed back to our place after a good fill of many different foods.  Lukas of course only had the stew we made and some cake along with a bunch of pop.  Now is where history replays itself....

If you have followed our blog from 2010, you may remember the night where we saw the big spider in the hallway of our apartment and it was quickly followed by a gecko on the wall.  Well, we got home, opened the door and a green blur went across the wall.  ANOTHER GECKO!!!

Lukas tried to catch it with a cup like last time, but it made its escape under the door to our apartment to the great outdoors.  That's correct, the gap at the bottom of our door is enough for a lizard to crawl under.  The gap is 2 cm which allows for any number of possible visitors to come in day or night.  All part of the fun.  Its midnight, so we are all headed to bed now.   Good night all.  Here is a picture of our lizard friend and our Bolivian Christmas tree.

P.S.  I was checking the blog stats.  Would the 2 people in Ireland reading our blog please identify themselves?  They make my favorite beverage there and I need a connection if I ever get there.

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